Our Brand FRoSTA
FRoSTA is the market leader for frozen ready meals in Germany and for frozen fish in Poland. We are expanding our FRoSTA assortment in Italy, Austria, Switzerland and many other european countries.
Find out more about our brand at the FRoSTA Homepage and in the FRoSTA Blog, which happens to be the first of its kind for a food brand in Germany.
Our FRoSTA brand has been setting new standards since 2003: with the “Reinheitsgebot” (“Purity Command” ), FRoSTA is the first frozen brand in Europe to completely abandon the use of taste enhancers, colorings, aromas, stabilizers, emulsifiers and any other food additives. None of our ingredients or raw materials may contain additives either. Consequently, for example, FRoSTA dishes use only real butter (without coloring!) and no margarine.
Our “Purity Command” applies to all FRoSTA products in all countries.
FRoSTA in Poland, Hungary, Middle and Eastern Europe and Italy
FRoSTA Poland
FRoSTA is the market leader for frozen fish products in Poland. Here we offer an assorment of 50 different products in all including ready meals and vegetables in addtion to our fish products.
For more information, please visit the Polish FRoSTA website.
FRoSTA Italy
“Nel surgelare siamo tedeschi” – that’s FRoSTA in Italy. The FRoSTA brand is present in Italy by numerous fish, vegetable and ready meal specialties.
For more information, please visit the Italian FRoSTA website.
FRoSTA Hungary
The FRoSTA brand has been represented in Hungary since 1994 where now more than 30 different FRoSTA products are available. A similar assortment of FRoSTA products is available in Romania also.
For more information, please visit the Hungarian FRoSTA website.
FRoSTA Czech Republic
FRoSTA products have also been being sold in the Czech Republic since 1994 where a total of 25 different FRoSTA products are available. We are also represented on the Slovakian market from this point of service.
For more information, please visit the Czech FRoSTA website.
FRoSTA Romania
FRoSTA ready meals, fish and vergetables are also available in Romania.
For more information, please visit the Romanian FRoSTA website.